Our Mission

We are overwhelmed.

Everywhere we look, there is a crisis. For every world-ending problem, a world-saving innovator is working to find solutions and build better systems. Amongst the noise of a society in crisis, Paused Perception makes sure the innovators are the loudest.

Our mission at Paused Perception is to amplify the voices of problem solvers and shift the world from crisis mode to solution mode. The problem solvers’ message must be powerful enough to silence the chaos of a society in turmoil.

It’s time to pause perception and welcome change.

Our Goals

Create memorable and effective communications for positive change makers.

Engage with and retain new customers, investors and supporters for our clients to maximise their reach and impact.

Amplify the voices of the great problem solvers of the 21st century.

How We Achieve Them

There is nothing worse than generic marketing babble that could fit a myriad of businesses! At Paused Perception, we prioritise research and understanding above all else. We won’t start a project without a communications audit of the brand or business with whom we are working. We begin each partnership with a literature review, followed by an analysis of the industry and identification of competitors. Our company bookshelf is growing with our client and knowledge base, and subsequently, we form lasting relationships with our clients and grow our offering as their needs expand. Our services cover a wide range of client needs, but we design our packages to the specific requirements of each business, enabling us to deliver data-backed improvements in the most impactful places:


Digital Marketing

Digital Transformations

Who We Are

We are a team of designers, marketing experts and environmentalists.


Oliver Jobling

Communications Director

“Being an engineer and marketeer, I see research-driven communications as the key to a successful marketing strategy. I founded Paused Perception to amplify the voices of people trying to solve the problems we are facing today.

Good communication and lean manufacturing management philosophies are the foundation of the Paused Perception culture. We are building a creative team where all team members can express themselves and grow with Paused Perception.”

Kristie Clinch

Creative Executive

“While completing my masters in marketing I came across Paused Perception and instantly knew our missions aligned.

Working with positive change makers, helping them to better communicate their revolutionary concepts and seeing how transforming their visions into effective communications impacts their lives and the lives of the people they help, drives me to want to push this business forwards with our amazing team. The business structure and culture has given me the opportunity to pursue and explore my own ideas with the full backing of a motivated and innovative team.”

Victor Fernandes

Web Development Manager

“Growing up in Sao Paolo, studying in the United States and now living and working in the UK has given me exposure to different cultures. I’ve worked in sales and web development since finishing my MBA, alongside tennis coaching. 

Having the opportunity to tackle global problems and find new & exciting projects every day is why I am so passionate about our work at Paused Perception.”

Jack Schneider

Web Design Manager

Jack’s design skills and creativity have been instrumental in guiding the development of Paused Perception’s design language. He has helped our clients with a wide range of web development projects, using his keen eye for technical details and User Experience to create truly unique websites.